What is SIOC packaging? Amazon Guidelines, Working, and Benefits Explained

sioc packaging

It is not a new thing when you receive the products in its product box. Sometimes it's confusing and sometimes it frustrates people why companies do not care about their parcels and ship the products in their original boxes. However, it is not like that. A new type of packaging, called SIOC packaging (ships in its containers) is introduced by retail stores, manufacturing companies, and Amazon-like companies to decrease the cost of shipping, enhance the durability and protection of the boxes, and lower the waste and pollution. 

SIOC packaging is a special type of packaging in which products are directly shipped to the customers in their original box without additional packaging customization. Ship in own container (SIOC) packaging is made of strong materials, lightweight, designed with visuals and printing, and directly sent to the customers. 

However, many of the newbies and even old brands are still perplexed about the SIOC packaging, how it works, what are Amazon guidelines and requirements, and what benefits these SIOC boxes offer. So, let us expose all these in the detailed and expert discussions. 

What Is SIOC Packaging?

The full form of SIOC is ‘Ships In Own Container". It refers to shipping products in their original containers without additional packaging directly to the end users. SIOC packaging is made by the companies to meet guidelines of the Amazon and has some certifications before its proper use. If SIOC boxes meet all the requirements and guidelines, it reduces shipping costs, product weight, and waste. 

Amazon's Role In Spread SIOC Packaging 

amazons role in spread sioc packaging

Amazon is the pioneer of sustainable packaging. With the emphasis on sustainable and minimalist boxes, Amazon stressed SIOC packaging to use for shipping and packaging without adding waste, increasing product cost, and simplifying the shipping process for quick and best item delivery. Amazon's influence on many e-commerce businesses to adopt this method has been praised and practiced due to its cost-effectiveness, environmental benefits, and supply chain efficiency.

How SIOC Packaging Works and How to Use SIOC Packaging

The SIOC packaging serves as the outermost, first, and final packaging for shipping. It does not contain any additional materials or options such as bubble wraps, foams, etc. These boxes are packed by the retail company and brought to Amazon stores. After some verifications, these original boxes are shipped to the customer's address.

Perplexed about how to use SIOC packaging? 

Any business can adopt SIOC packaging independently or can become SIOC-certified through Amazon by meeting specific rules, guidelines, and requirements to obtain the ISTA 6 certification that makes SIOC-certified business.

Amazon SIOC Packaging Requirements and Guidelines

Amazon has set some mandatory requirements and guidelines for SIOS packaging usage. So, before directly packing our products in SIOC boxes, go through the Amazon requirements to make sure your product shipping boxes meet all the requirements. The Amazon guideline for SIOC packaging is given below: 

  • Every SIOC box must be a-sided and rigid box.
  • The boxes must not contain any windows or cutouts. 
  • You can use padded mailers or rigid envelopes, but their minimum dimensions should be 9” x 6” x 0.375”. 
  • All the large items, larger than 18″x14″x8″,  must have certification of Tier 1 – FFP or Tier 2- SIOC.
  • The shipping packaging must be snugly fit, not small or large, must be sustainable, and must be easy to open.

Note: Products meeting Amazon’s SIOC criteria are labeled as "Frustration-Free Packaging," emphasizing ease of use and reduced waste.

Amazon Certification for SIOC Packaging

Before using product packaging as SIOC packaging, it is necessary to get some certificates. Every product seller must get ISTA 6 certification for their original product packaging. The certification is based on weight, size, and delivery method. To get the certificates for SIOC packaging, some tests are mandatory. The tests include drop, impact, and compression testing.

SIOC packaging is not only for Amazon, other businesses can also opt. SIOC packaging is not only limited to Amazon. Other businesses can adopt SIOC packaging too to reduce costs, and simplify the overall shipping process, and waste. 

What Products Can Be Packed In SIOC Packaging? Consideration

Not all products can be packed in the SIOC boxes. The products that are highly sensitive, large, heavy, or fragile that require extra protection, packaging options, and materials can not be packed in SIOC packaging. Except for these boxes, all the products can be packed in SIOC Packaging.

Moreover, the retail consideration is also looming above. Those products intended for retail environments might not be packed in SIOC packaging boxes due to excessive labeling and product needs. 

Core Benefits of SIOC Packaging

core benefits of sioc packaging

SIOC packaging is known for its benefits. That is the reason it is so mandatory to use Amazon or any other company. Meeting the requirements and guidelines of Amazon and being certified with high-level certifications, SIOC packaging offers numerous benefits such as reducing packaging waste, keeping products safe and secure, sustainable and eco-friendly packaging options, and simplifying the shipping process. 

Reduces Packaging Waste

SIOC (ship in its container) is a highly recyclable and sustainable product and shipping packaging. By following the Amazing guidelines and minimalistic approach, SIOC packaging eliminates the need for extra materials, inserts, bubble wraps, and cardboard boxes. It saves extra cost on additional options and lowers the environmental impacts. 

Enhanced Protection

The SIOC boxes are made of high-quality materials, having strong durability and resilient properties. When products are shipped and packed in their special-purpose boxes, it is less likely that products might be damaged during transit and shipping. The right box and snugly fit packaging in the shape of SIOC packaging deliver products in perfect condition to the end user. Any type of items, such as electronics, cosmetics, glassware, etc. are packed in SIO packaging for efficient product delivery. 

Lowers Shipping Costs

The Amazon affiliate SIOC packaging is a great option for saving shipping costs. These boxes are snugly fit, smaller than the original retail box, and lighter because of fewer packaging materials, leading to lower shipping costs. The saved cost can be invested in the customers or decreasing product cost. It will attract customers and potential buyers to the product. 

Simplifies the Shipping Process

The SIOC packaging, made by the company, and directly sent to the end consumer, simplifies the shipping process and saves from the hectic process of packaging products again in shipping boxes. The customers get products in the product boxes they were designed to be sold. This simplicity and convenience increase customer satisfaction and simplifies the shipping process.

Improves Branding

Customizability and branding are always ensured with SIOC packaging. The company products packaging is customized with visuals, prominent logos and emblems, and marketing tactics. When customers get these shipping boxes, the brand value and brand image increase. 

Retail Packaging vs SIOC Packaging: Key Purpose and Differences

Retail packaging and SIOC packaging are two different packaging types that have different purposes. Retail packaging serves more retail stores, and SIOC packaging is for retail and shipping.

Retail packaging is more designed and has additional features, extra laminations, and finishings to grab customers' attention in the retail stores. Whereas, SIOC packaging's purpose is to protect the product during shipping. It is simple and minimal in design.

SIOC packaging is more robust than retail packaging because SIOC packaging's major focus is on product protection during the shipping process. Talking about waste and sustainability, SIOC packaging's main focus is on the sustainable approach and is always an eco-friendly option than retail boxes. The cost factor is higher in retail packaging, and SIOC boxes are cheaper than retail packaging. 

Can a Factory Provide SIOC Packaging?

can a factory provide sioc packaging

Do factories provide SIOC packaging for Amazon? Yes. Many of the companies, after the launch of Amazon and the spread of online shopping, have started providing SIOC packaging in which products are delivered directly to end consumers in the original box. Their product packaging boxes meet Amazon guidelines and requirements and contain all the major certificates and 

Final Words

SIOC packaging is a type of packaging used by Amazon and other big brands that contains original product packaging and that packaging is sent to customers without adding other packaging materials. This packaging is cost-effective, simple to ship, and a sustainable and eco-friendly option. Get SIOC packaging for your brands to add a sense of elegance, save huge bucks, and promote sustainable and eco-friendly packaging. 

Where to get SIOC Packaging? 

If you want SIOC packaging, customized for your brand and products, meeting all Amazon certificates and requirements at low cost and free shipping, contact Your Box Packaging at sales@yourboxpackaging.com to get wholesale service at and low cost. We have all the packaging options to create premium custom SIOC boxes. 

Ready to think outside the box? Let's get started!

When you place a full production order with us, we'll waive your sample and prototyping expenses. Additionally, you'll benefit from our dedicated 360° packaging service, which addresses any packaging challenges you might encounter, allowing you to concentrate on what truly matters.

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